Wednesday, July 15, 2009

N.E show

Long time since I've last posted. Anyway, we just had our NE show last Saturday. The journey was very long. We all had a fun time on the bus. Cheryl, Jasmine, Serene and I went to the back of the bus. Sean went to the back and tried to get the boys to sit with him in the back. But we beat them. Eventually, we had the back row to ourselves. When we arrived, we could see miles and miles of students and buses. All were wearing red. We saw a lot and I mean a lot of students. We slowly moved along and we once had a traffic jam. We waited and once in a while, we heard whispers of " They're so lucky!' from other students. We waited under the hot Sun and we eventually moved. What a relief! We went into an air-conditioned tent. There were thermal scanners. I felt so excited to finally be able to see a rehearsal of the NDP show. We then went to our seats and felt bored waiting for the show to start. We went through numerous commercials (including four Cadbury commercials) . Then we finally had some response from the 'Giant Eye'. We had a fun time watching until there was an interruption. It seemed as if there was a terrorist attack happening. There was a loud explosion sound and mist( with a yellow colour) started spewing out from the stage. All the performers ran away and some fell back because they were affected by the mist. Then the SAF came and took them away. All in all, we had a fun time feeling the simulated terrorist attack. Then came the grand finale after all the performances. There was a light drizzle at first. We all thought that it wan't going to turn into anything worse. Then a heavy downpour started. We all rushed to get out our ponchos. Some brave (crazy) people did not even care about the rain. We went home after a long night.