Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Camp Fun

Hi all, I am now going to talk about camp. We had our camp on International Friendship Day. We had to assemble at the hall and get into our groups where we were introduced to our group instructors. Then, we went to the camp site. It was quite near Sentosa. This proved to be a good asset as we had an activity there. We arrived at the hall as the camp site used to be an old school. We then put our bags down and Chief Eunice told us to bring an extra t-shirt as we had a water activity (which I later found out). In the end,me and my friend's group were not able to do the water activity. We were disappointed and some of us even said" $41 wasted!" . We went back and had our dinner. After that, we had our night activity which was called "Kidnap!". We had problems doing the puzzle which was given to us but we eventually solved it. Our group was the last group to find the hostage. After that, we went to our dorms. Our instructors told us that we had to wake up at 6.30 a.m. Some of us woke up 30 minutes earlier to prepare our clothes as we had our high elements on that day. We tried the rock wall, abscaling and challenge rope courses. I tried the abscaling. It was scary at the top but as I went down, it was OK and not so scary as I imagined. Then, it was lunch time. We had to do a hungry cheer.

It Goes Like This:

Are You Hungy?!

Hungry Hungry

Very Very

Hungry Very

Very Hungry

Chikalaka Pia Pia

Chikalaka Pia Pia Chia!

Some Groups added extras such "What la?!" and some even screamed. Those who did not do anything during the high elements got a chance to do one as after lunch, we were given another chance to play the high elements. After a while, my group and group 8 practiced our campfire item. Instructor Adam got angry at us. We apologised and he agreed to help us. We chose "Love Story" then "Low". At first, for the love story, the girls had to partner the boys. We then changed and it became girl partner girl and boy partner boy. I became the boy and Winne as the girl . After our dinner,we went to get our hats and then we had our campfire! When our group went for our campfire item, all the groups went ' Woo!' as Instructor Adam and Junice did something. Then, it was time to do 'Low". This is where our caps came in handy. after our performance, everyone clapped like crazy and there were even some cat calls. We all enjoyed ourselves. Then, it started raining. at first it was a light drizzle. Then it became stronger. So we had to move up to the hall. Then the performances continued. We had a mini dance competition. The winner was a girl from 5.9. Then the performances continued. We were all tired after that. So we went back to our dorm and slept. The last day was area cleaning day. We had to clean the girls dorms. there was an awarding ceremony after that. We went back to school. Some isnstructors joined us and taught us some games. All in all, I had a fun camp!

The end!

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